+90 542 471 61 14


Frequently Asked Questions

There are two types of approaches in nose aesthetic surgery, the open and closed approach. In closed surgery, no incision of any kind is relevant from outside. My preference has always been for open rhinoplasty. In open surgeries, an incision is made over the bar we call the columella between the two nostrils. The reason I prefer this approach is that I am more dominant during the surgery over the nose bone and, more importantly, being able to use the Piezzo, an ultrasonic bone-shaping device. The recovery of the wound made in the region where the incision is made is fully completed in 12 months. The stitches melt away by the 10th day. This region may vary from person to person but a scar is generally not visible to the naked eye. But it can be noticed with difficulty under a lens. But it could be visible to the naked eye in rare patients with poor wound recovery.

You can see the wound improvement in the sixth month after the surgery in the photograph.

It is very difficult to specify a standard length of surgery for rhinoplasty surgery. The surgeries last for an average of three hours but, just as some surgeries may last for two hours, some can extend for up to five hours. The surgery period is as long as it takes for us to reach the targeted nose shape.
The recover process varies based on the structure of the skin, and is generally 70% completed in the second month, 80% completed in the sixth month, and close to 100% completed at the end of the first year. This process may last for up to 2 years in thick skins but may decrease to as low as 6 months in thinner skins. The recovery process is closely related to the genetic structure of the patient, chronic diseases, age, alcohol and cigarette use, and nutritional habits.
There may be pain that can be handled with ordinary pain killers in the first week. Must of our patients do not need pain killers after the first three or four days. Our patients with low pain tolerance in rare circumstances may need stronger narcotic pain killers. But this isn’t a problem that we frequently encounter.
We use the Piezo device in our surgeries. In Piezo rhinoplasty, much less swelling forms compared to the classic method. Bruising mostly seen in classic methods is rarely seen. Excessive swelling and, if present, bruising dissipates in 10 days. The patient can return to their normal lives.
In our surgeries, we place silicon-pipe buffers (Doyle® Splint) inside the nose to prevent cohesion that may cause long-term nose blockage. We preferably remove this buffer within 5-7 days. This process is a painless process that last a total of 15-20 seconds.
Patients generally must remain overnight after the surgery and, in rare situations, must remain at the hospital for two nights.
This question is one of the questions patients most frequently ask. After the seventh day, the plasters and buffers are removed, and we thrust the mirror into our patient’s hand. The first question of the patient who sees their nose in front of them is “Will this swelling go down?” It will certainly subside. This swelling is expected after surgery. Your nose will start to look beautiful enough to allow for Joyful Selfies from the second or third week. But at least four months must pass for the patient to reach the expected level.
This period varies by person, and you can generally return to your normal life within 10-15 days. You can go in the swimming pool in one month and the sea in three months.
You can wear glasses two months after the surgery.
After rhinoplasty surgery, a prolapse of 2-5 mm may occur at the tip of the nose based on the administered technique. This situation can turn all calculations made regarding the nasal bone upside down and lead to “pollybeak deformity”. There are some different surgical techniques developed to prevent this. In our surgeries, we have generally succeeded in minimizing this situation by combining "Tongue in Groove" and "Mid-Crural Strengthening”. A maximum of 2mm prolapse can be seen in our surgeries, but this will not lead to serious deviations in the planned shape of the nose.
Corrective surgeries performed after rhinoplasty are called revisions. The ideal period that must pass after the first surgery for revision surgeries is 12 months. The revision rate is notified at a rate of 5-25% at various clinics. These are major or minor revisions. Major revisions require long-term corrective surgery. Minor revisions are more limited, simple attempts. Our revision rate is 7% in the past 5 years and is generally minor revisions. 100% success is never possible. I do not charge a fee apart from hospital expenses in revising my own surgeries.